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Biographical Resources
The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library collect extensively in the field of biography and autobiography; the collections in this area represent nearly every historical period, geographical area, and occupation and vocation.
Introduction to the Collections
The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library collect extensively in the field of biography and autobiography; the collections in this area represent nearly every historical period, geographical area, and occupational affiliation.
The Reading Rooms of the General Research Division house most of the major biographical reference sources, many of which are found on the open shelves. These include indexes and guides to biographical material as well as biographical dictionaries, works of collective biography (concerned with groups of individuals, often arranged by nationality or vocation), and a selection of biographies of notable individuals.
Users are welcome to browse this collection of reference materials, located in the Rose Main Reading Room.
The vast majority of the Library's collective and individual biographies are shelved in the stacks. These items can be identified by using CATNYP, the online catalog of The New York Public Library’s Research Libraries. Users will nee
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INTERNET RESOURCES: Biography resources: Finding information on the famous, infamous, and obscure
by Susan A. Schreiner and Michael A. Somers
Finding biographical information on the Internet is both time-consuming and frustrating. While any particular name can retrieve a number of hits on any search engine of your choice, finding current, accurate biog- raphies can be difficult. Fortunately, the Internet is a rich source of diverse biographi- cal information, and the following sites will guide users to an array of information on numerous topics. This collection is by no means comprehensive (what guide on the Internet is?), but the sites were chosen for the depth of their articles or the sheer bulk of biographical materials available.
Biographical search engines
•Freeality. The site offers users a variety of sources for searching online biographies. There are links to both general and specific resources, such as “Information Please” and “First Ladies.” There is also a section labeled “Famous People” with links to ten additional resources, which run the gamut from “Women in Science” to “Billionaires” to “Po