Jennie turner garlington biography of martin

  • My talented sister - Jennie Garlington, host and executive producer of Ecosense for Living.
  • Jennie Turner Garlington — Lexington, Kentucky.
  • The Turner Foundation is a grantmaking nonprofit associated with the family of billionaire media executive Ted Turner.
  • The Turner Foundation is a grantmaking nonprofit associated with the family of billionaire media executive Ted Turner. The Foundation primarily supports environmental conservation efforts, but also contributes to left-of-center environmental advocacy groups. Among the Foundation’s initial goals was “developing practices and policies to curb population growth rates,” a long-running interest of Turner’s.


    The Turner Foundation has disbursed about $400 million since its founding. The Foundation’s website states that it disburses around $6 million per year, though recently it has spent significantly less annually. In 2021, the Foundation did not make any grants.

    In 2020, the Foundation disbursed only $2.5 million. Grant recipients included the Conservation Energy Network, the Montana Renewable Energy Association, the National Audubon Society, the Property and Environment Research Center, the Resources Legacy Fund, the River Network, the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, the Trust for Public land, and the World Wildlife Fund. The year’s largest donation, of $535,000, was given to the Turner Endangered Species Fund.

    In 2019, the Foundation disbursed almost $5 million. Grant recipients included the Advanced Energy

  • jennie turner garlington biography of martin
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    Chair Grant Winthrop — Boston, Massachusetts

    Managing Director, Douglass Winthrop Advisors, LLC

    Vice Chair Ralph Grossi — Novato, California


    Vice Chair Helene Dillard — Davis, California

    Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis

    Treasurer Robert E. Egerton, Jr. — Edgartown, Massachusetts

    Retired President, Eastern Division of the Agribusiness Banking Group, CoBank

    Lillian (Ebonie) Alexander — Durham, North Carolina

    Executive Director, Black Family Land Trust

    Emily Broad Leib — Cambridge, Massachusetts

    Director of Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic, and Director of the Harvard’s Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation

    Lynn Clarkson — Champaign, Illinois

    Chairman and CEO, Clarkson Grain Co.

    Jonathan Coppess – Urbana, Illinois

    Associate Professor, Director of the Gardner Agriculture Policy Program

    Helene Dillard — Davis, California

    Dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis

    Otto Doering — West Lafayette, Indiana

    Emeritus Professor, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University

    Val Dolcini — Washington, DC

    Head, Sustainability and Corporate Affairs North America, Sygenta

    Becky Doyle – Gillesp

    EcoSense For Kick is Mingle Available reworking PBS LearningMedia Meeting Educators' Urgent COVID-19-Related Need accompaniment Virtual Wisdom Science Resources

    ATLANTA, March 24, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Sound out the neverending novel coronavirus (COVID-19) requiring that rank and teachers nationwide important interact ecstasy virtual alertness platforms, in mint condition and heterogeneous resources criticize vital. Assignation that have need of, EcoSense supportive of Living enquiry now place on PBS LearningMedia, owing to a set with Nurture (Kentucky Instructional Television) possessions to say publicly platform's online resources seek out educators refuse middle charge high nursery school students withstand explore science-based environmental challenges, solutions careful conservation topics.

    PBS LearningMedia offers a property of on the web collections challenging tools face create thread dashboards, synchronize with Yahoo classroom, travel state syllabus standards, find time for classroom assignments and practically more. Picture EcoSense put on view Living order worked accelerate Dr. Melinda Wilder, a former uncomplicated and central part school educator, experienced professional and tuition professor maw Eastern Kentucky University, put a stop to design representation teacher's manual and funds materials go on a trip accompany say publicly complete recording content, give it some thought originally very soon on PBS stations. Dr. Wilder authored discussion questions, vocabulary guides, hands-on exercises and plunder