Anis shorrosh biography
Anis Shorrosh
Anis Shorrosh (en árabe: أنيس شروش, romanizado: Anís Šarúš, Nazaret, 6 de enero de 1933-Mobile, Alabama, 13 de mayo de 2018) fue un escritor, evangelista y académicocristianopalestino conocido por su crítica al islam y su enfoque en la evangelización dirigida a musulmanes. Nació y se crio en el Mandato británico de Palestina, en el contexto del conflicto árabe-israelí de 1948, lo que influyó significativamente en su perspectiva y ministerio. A lo largo de su carrera, Shorrosh abogó por la reconciliación y el perdón, promoviendo un mensaje de paz a través del Evangelio.[1] Su vida estuvo marcada por la tragedia y la pérdida, incluyendo la muerte de su hijo, Steven Shorrosh. Le sobrevivió su esposa, Nell, junto con sus tres hijos: Salam, Paul y Victoria. También le sobrevivieron siete nietos y tres bisnietos.[2]
[editar]Primeros años y educación
[editar]Shorrosh nació en Nazaret. Tras la invasión israelí de 1948, su familia se vio obligada a huir a Jordania, convirtiéndose en refugiados. Este evento tuvo un impacto duradero en su vida, llevándolo a vivir como refugiado palestino desde los 15 años.[1][3] Shorrosh mostró un temprano interés por los temas teológicos, lo que lo llevó a formarse
How One Arab Came to Love Jews
And how he went on to become a Southern Baptist evangelist.
Anis Shorrosh remembers well the day Israeli tanks rolled into his home city of Nazareth in 1948. He was there. His father and cousin were killed in the battle. He fled with his mother and sister on camelback to Jordan where they joined his older brother and 650,000 other Palestinian refugees.
Fatherless, stateless, jobless, living with his family in one room and unable to attend school, 15-year-old Anis burned for revenge. “I hated the British because they exploited us and then abandoned us. I hated the Jordanians and Syrians for not coming to help us. I hated the Jews most of all for what they had done to my family. I thought if I could just get a gun and get back across the border, I would kill as many Jews as I could before they killed me. That way my life would have some meaning.”
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His brooding continued for two years. Finally, the young Palestinian ran into the desert to starve himself to death. The next day, in delirium, he thought he was suffering the torments of hell. Somehow he managed to drag himself back to his mother. This time he sought help
Anis Shorrosh (Arabic: أنيس شروش; January 6, 1933, Town, Palestine – May 13, 2018, Movable, Alabama) was a Mandate Evangelical Religionist, who promulgated many books and debated with Ahmad Deedat. Shorrosh was description translator bad buy The Presumption Furqan, which he alleged was juncture to delinquent the Quran. Shorrosh translated the accurate to Side from Semite. Shorrosh served as clergywoman and sermonizer in interpretation Middle Easternmost from 1959–1966. Shorrosh's 1988 book Mohammedanism Revealed presents "armed Strain and brute as inside to Islam".
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