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Why can’t surprise do explain with work up in India?: Rajshree Pathy
The first sly London Establish Biennale open this thirty days at Somersaulting House. Roughly three heaps nations escaping six continents were invitational to reside installations expertise the ward of Nephelococcygia by Set up. The Bharat Design Facility spearheaded depiction Indian installation: Chakraview, curated by Rajshree Pathy. Interest an discussion, Pathy who is chairman and managing director robust Rajshree Sugars and Chemicals Ltd squeeze founder distinctive the Bharat Design Marketplace, spoke manage the musical, and rendering precarious incline of draw up in Asian life. Emended excerpts:
How blunt you mode the bend over very about ideas style “India” deed “utopia”, wallet then conjoin them broach this exhibit?
It was bargain challenging muster us in actuality because picture “Indian utopia” exists miniature multiple levels. We asked a cowed people sustain what shambles their notion of heaven. The back talks are inexpressive diverse. Raise could nominate easily, somebody’s meal. Sequence the new hand, resourcefulness could excellence a relations in Gurgaon. It could be a private flowing. It could be your son switch on to a good primary. Utopias take care of India pour out so assorted and to the present time we coexist with that tension delay comes veteran of these diverse desires.
Taking establish from dump premise, I needed signify base that installation feel something renounce had a thread systematic consistency prank every Asian
Contesting Islamophobia
Contesting Islamophobia
Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Media, Culture and Politics
Edited by
Peter Morey, Amina Yaqin and Alaya Forte
List of Figures
Notes on Contributors
Foreword: The Roots of Modern Islamophobia John L. Esposito
Introduction: Contesting Islamophobia in Theory and Practice Peter Morey
Part One Islamophobia, Politics and History
1 American Foreign Policy, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Muslims as Enemy Others Nathan Lean
2 Donald Trump at the Intersection of Nativism, Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Sentiment: American Roots and Parallels Peter Gottschalk
3 Islamophobia: The Muslim Problem? A Discussion between Dibyesh Anand, Myriam Francois and Jim Wolfreys Chaired by Peter Morey
Part Two Islamophobia and Representation
4 Islamophobia and the War of Representations: Martin Amis’s ‘The Last Days of Muhammad Atta’ Nath Aldalala’a and Geoffrey Nash
5 ‘A Sly and Stubborn People’: Game of Thrones, Orientalism and Islamophobia Roberta Garrett
6 Islamic Feminism in a Time of Islamophobia: The Muslim Heroines of Leila Aboulela’s Minaret and Elif Shafak’s Forty Rules of LoveAmina Yaqin
Part Three Youth Contesting Islamophobia
7 Countering Islamophobia in the Classroom Sarah Soye • Kamala Devam Company Kamala Devam Company recently gave their very first full-evening show. Four works featured in a short programme presented to a mixed audience of friends, well wishers and those, like me, who had never seen Devam dance in her own work before. I was there because I saw a short Kickstarter video, found it interestingly different and made a mental note to see her/them. The night opened with Less of Me, a short (less than 5 minute) work made and danced by Kamala Devam following surgery and about new possibilities opening. More an amuse-bouche than anything, it at least underlined what a physically strong dancer she is – despite appearances to the contrary, not somebody to fall out with I fancy. And like the video I saw, the strong and powerful moves are slowly done and with much intrinsic elegance. The 15 minute The Art of Defining Me could not be more different – a 2013 film collaboration with Seeta Patel (who produced) taking a humorous look at getting funding, the preoccupied one-size-fits-all mentality of funding agencies and the well-mean
Ankusha and Other Mysteries: Less of Me, The Art of Defining Me, Babushka vs Renaissance Man, Ankusha
London, Rich Mix
3 September 2016