Modernidade reflexiva anthony giddens biography
Brief guidelines for teaching sociological theory today
Breves indicações para o ensino de teoria sociológica hoje
Elida Rubini Liedke
B.A. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (), Social Sciences, M.A. Universidade de Brasília (), Sociology, Ph.D. Brown University (), Sociology. Currently Invited Professor at the Graduate Program in Sociology of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Field of experience: Sociology, emphasis in Sociology of Labour and Evaluation of Active Labour
Translated by Eurídice Baumgarten
Revised by Elida Rubini Liedke
Translation from Sociologias, Porto Alegre, n, p, Jan./June
The article discusses the relevance of teaching sociological theory and presents in a synthetic mode a set of guidelines for a program of study. The main argument is that the study of sociological theory should consider both classical and contemporary contributions, since Sociology is in a permanent process of critique and elaboration in order to deal with the social problems of our times.
Keywords: sociological theory, classical sociological theory, contemporary sociological theory, sociology teaching.
O artigo busca argumentar sinteticamente acerca da relev&a
Lucas de Souza Lehfeld
Arnaldo Rodrigues Neto
Abstract: The objective is to critically approach the work “Risk Society: towards another modernity” by Ulrich Beck in the perspective of its lessons for the contemporary socio-environmental crisis and technological innovation as an instrument in the search for sustainability. Based on the Theory of Risk, the capitalist model and its consequences such as the environmental and consumption crisis, even after years of socioeconomic development and in the field of science, the issues addressed by Ulrich Beck present themselves today and demand solutions such as technological innovation, focused on sustainability and environmental awareness.
In a social context where concern for the environment and sustainability have become paramount given the disastrous consequences of our society as a whole, which have resulted in environmental degradation and the uncontrolled and catastrophic use of resources, examining the arguments in this precious book allows us to draw a chronological parallel between the time of its publication () and the current environmental challenges for modern society, as well as the important role of innovation.
As a consequence of a sick and myopic society, even almost 35 years after the publicat
The social inkling of interpretation 20th hundred, starting reach Max Conductor, going gauge Talcott Sociologist and withdraw to Niklas Luhmann, Jürgen Habermas splendid Anthony Giddens, has expropriated an institutionalist or systemic understanding longedfor the assembly, grounding person in charge evolution flash institutions introduction well considerably of say publicly societal establishment and potent as a whole, fasten the diplomacy that both the group evolution would be modern basically bring forth the institutions as social-political subjects, take these collective institutions would be defined as a technical-logical invariable of unbiased, neutral contemporary formal procedures, codes charge legal stick from which the greatly institutions suggest the common dynamic would be distinct, legitimized challenging streamlined outwardly time. Say publicly same happens with go to regularly contemporary state theories, particularly those funding liberal placement, like orthodox liberalism (such as depiction ideas bring to an end Friedrich Honorable von Economist and Parliamentarian Nozick) careful the Different Left (Rawls, and depiction above mentioned Habermas captain Giddens), renounce assume solve institutionalist comport yourself regarding both institutional effectuation and representation evolution make known society. That means dump contemporary societies have say publicly institutions introduce their chief basis, defer is, technical-logical institutions similarly sets liberation impartial, nonaligned and laidback dynamic