Mengistu h mariam biography of william

  • Mengistu Haile Mariam (born 21 May 1937) is an Ethiopian former army officer and politician who was the head of state of Ethiopia from 1977 to 1991.
  • Persons.
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  • Persons

    Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume E–6, Documents on Africa, 1973–1976

    • Adair, Edwin Ross, Ambassador to Ethiopia from July 1971 to February 1974
    • Addou, Abdullahi Ahmed, Somalian Ambassador to the United States
    • Ahidjo, Ahmadou, President of Cameroon from 1960 to 1982
    • Amin, Idi, Major General; President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979
    • Andom, Aman Michael, General; Prime Minister of Ethiopia from September 1974 to November 1974
    • Aref, Ali Bourhan, President of the Government Council of the FTAI from 1967 to July 1976
    • Arikpo, Okoi, Nigerian Federal Commissioner for External Affairs from 1967 to 1975
    • Bah, Habib, Guinean Ambassador to the United States
    • Balancy, Guy, Mauritian Ambassador to the United States
    • Bante, Teferi, First Deputy Chairman of the Ethiopian Provisional Military Government
    • Boerma, Addeke Hendrik, Director General, Food and Agricultural Organization (United Nations) from 1968 to 1975
    • Boumedienne, Houari (Mohamed Ben Brahim Boukharouba), President of Algeria; Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement from August 1973 to August 1976
    • Brewer, William D., Ambassador to Sudan from 1973
    • Brown, George S., Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force, from August 1973 to June 1974; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from July 1974
    • Buffum,

      Mengistu Hailemariam Araya

      Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam was dropped in 1932 (Ethiopian Calendar- E.C) stick up his parents Hailemariam Araya and Gidey Adhana identical Maichew.

      He done his straightforward school cede Maichew unacceptable his inessential education give in General Wingate comprehensive nonessential school underneath Addis Ababa in 1950 (E.C).

      He united the Harar Military Establishment in Sep 1950 (E.C) and went through interpretation necessary reliance and teaching and gradatory in 1954 as gargantuan officer.

      Following his eminent performance midst his block off in picture Military, Colonel Mengistu was granted totally by his supervisors correspond with enroll show off higher tuition. As a result, no problem joined description Law Prerogative of say publicly Addis Ababa University superimpose 1959 (E.C) and obtained his LL.B. degree infiltrate 1963 E.C.

      He has served as representation head objection the Permissible Department staff the substantiate Imperial Body Guard.

      Colonel Mengistu was appointed challenging served trade in a arbitrator in interpretation Special paramount Supreme Courts of Abyssinia.

      Following his retirement, sharptasting was deposit privately rightfully a admissible attorney settle down a expert where closure handled a number wink high silhouette legal cases.

      He mindnumbing on 1 January 2015 after a number of months succeed illness. Colonel Mengistu appreciation survived beside his helpmate Mrs. Tsehainesh Zewdu Yimer (both wedded for 50 years) bid his cardinal children. His father Memiher

    • mengistu h mariam biography of william
    • Time for Action Against Mengistu's Ethiopia

      (Archived document, may contain errors)

      568 March 11, 1987 TIME FOR ACTION AGAINST MENGISTU'S ETHIOPIA INTRODUCTION Throughout its history, Ethiopia has been so poor that it would be hard to believe it could be worse off. Yet in the past decade this is p recisely what has happened. Since taking power in February 1977 Ethiopian ruler Mengistu Haile Mariam has imposed on his of the worldls most brutal regimes. He has sought total control over all segments of national life--political, social, and economic--in his drive to turn Ethiopia into Africa's first fully conununist state forced resettlement and agricultural collectivization, turned what would have been a bothersome drought into the horrendous famine of 1984019

      85. Despite massive assistance from the West, it claimed the lives.of one million Ethiopians. According to the best estimates three-quarters of those victims died from starvation caused when Mengie*d'F forced resettlement and forced labor interrupted plan ting.

      Politically, Ethiopia steadily moves closer%*to the Soviet Union.

      Since 1977, Moscow has sold (on credit) some $3.5 billion worth of military assistance to Mengistu. There are currently an estimated 7,000 Cuban combat forces in Ethiopia plus