Ewald georg von kleist biography of albert

  • The House of Kleist is the name of an old and distinguished Prussian noble family, originating in Pomerania, whose members obtained many important military.
  • Georg Von Kleist was born on September 25 1852, in Pomerania, Germany.
  • With the inscription: "Franz Gottfried Joseph Albert von Kleist, born 3 August 1822, died 17 May. 1858.

  • On October 11, 1745, a German scientist Ewald Georg (Jürgen) Kleist in Cammin in Pommern (today Kamień Pomorski) discovered both the phenomenon of storing electricity in a glass vessel with water, and a new device – an electric capacitor. Kleist quickly and correctly announced his discovery to the scientific community.The greatest help in confirming the discovery and its publication was received by Kleist from Daniel Gralath who was active in the first Polish Society for Experimental Physics Societas Physicae Experimentalis in Gdańsk.At the beginning of 1746, in the Dutch Leiden, in the workshop of the famous professor Pieter Musschenbroek, an experiment was conducted similar to the one in Cammin. The information about the Leiden experiment quickly reached Paris, the centre of European science of that time, and which lead to a proclamation of a new, very important physical discovery.  The experiment gained wide publicity in Europe thanks to numerous public repetitions. The French promoter of the Leiden experiment was physicist Jean-Antoine Nollet.The discoverer’s fame was unjustly attributed to Musschenbroek and Leiden, although Daniel Gralath reported Nollet’s letter about Kleist’s priority. From the moment of discovery to modern times, scientific publications in the field

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  • ewald georg von kleist biography of albert
  • Kleist family

    Noble family

    The House of Kleist is the name of an old and distinguished Prussian noble family, originating in Pomerania, whose members obtained many important military and administrative positions within the Kingdom of Prussia and later in the German Empire. Members of the family served as officers in Prussian and German conflicts including the War of Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years' War, Napoleonic Wars, World War I and World War II.

    The poet and author Heinrich von Kleist is the most famous member of the family.

    Notable members


    • Georg Kleist (around 1435–1508); Vogt of Rügenwalde and Chancellor to Bogislaw X, Duke of Pomerania
    • Henning Alexander von Kleist (1677–1749); Prussian field marshal during the War of Spanish Succession, War of Austrian Succession and Great Northern War.
    • Ewald Jürgen von Kleist (c. 1700–1748); co-inventor of the Leyden jar
    • Henning Alexander von Kleist (1707–1784); Prussian lieutenant general
    • Ewald Christian von Kleist (1715–1759); German poet and soldier. (Depicted on the Equestrian statue of Frederick the Great)
    • Friedrich Wilhelm Gottfried Arnd von Kleist (1724-1767); Prussian major general during the Seven Years' War and leader of Freikorps Kleist; nicknamed the "Gree