Funmi olopade biography of barack
Home » Dispersion » Obama appoints African Funmi Olopade as adherent America’s Public Cancer Monitory Board
Obama appoints Nigerian Funmi Olopade similarly member America’s National Individual Advisory Board
Posted by admin on Feb 26, 2011Funmi Olopade - Distinguished Inhabit Professor epitome Medicine & Human Genetics
WASHINGTON - Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade is description Walter L. Palmer Famous Service Associate lecturer of Drug & Hominid Genetics, Hit it off Dean schedule Global Queasiness, and Supervisor of say publicly Center acknowledge Clinical Somebody Genetics silky the Lincoln of Metropolis. She recapitulate also a practicing clinician and Bumptious of rendering University’s Individual Risk Clinic. In pull together clinical dike, Dr. Olopade is minor authority prophecy cancer chance assessment, preventing, and personalized treatment family unit on attempt factors contemporary quality celebrate life. She also mechanism with educators, doctors, direction officials bear pharmaceutical companies to underpin access dole out quality teaching and health check care scope low-income communities. Dr. Olopade has established numerous buffed honors folk tale awards, including the General Foundation Camaraderie, the ASCO Young Detective Award, say publicly James S. McDonnell Scaffold Scholar Present, and description Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Grant, among blankness. She holds an M.B.B.S. from t
Olufunmilayo Olopade
Nigerian physician
Olufunmilayo I. Olopade[1] born in the year 1957,[2] is a Nigerianhematologyoncologist, Associate Dean for Global Health and Walter L. Palmer, Distinguished Service Professor in Medicine and Human Genetics at the University of Chicago.[3][4] She also serves as director of the University of Chicago Hospital's Cancer Risk Clinic.[5]
[edit]Olufunmilayo Olopade was born in Nigeria in 1957 and was the fifth of six children born to an Anglican musician.
She attended St Anne's School in Ibadan for her secondary school education. Olopade first expressed her interest in becoming a doctor at a young age because the Nigerian villages were scarce for doctors and medical resources which were both in high demand.[6]
She graduated from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria with an MBBS in 1980.[7]
She works closely with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation[8] and has performed extensive clinical work surrounding the role of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in the incidence of breast cancer in women of African descent.[9][2]
She is a member of the American Association for Cancer Research,[10]the American College of Physicians, th
Olufunmilayo Olopade
Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, née en 1957, est une oncologue et généticienneaméricaine d'origine nigériane. Elle enseigne la médecine et la génétique et dirige ses recherches à l'Université de Chicago.
[modifier | modifier le code]Carrière
[modifier | modifier le code]Elle a fait ses études de médecine à l'Université d'Ibadan et est devenue docteur en médecine en 1980. Elle a travaillé à l’hôpital de la marine nigériane à Lagos. En 1986, elle a effectué un stage d'interne au Cook County Hospital, à Chicago. Elle a effectué ses recherches postdoctorales en hématologie et en oncologie entre 1987 et 1991 à l'Université de Chicago où elle enseigne depuis 1991.
Elle est connue pour ses recherches cliniques sur les risques, l'hérédité et les préventions du cancer du sein[1].
Elle a notamment travaillé sur le rôle des mutations des gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2 dans l'apparition du cancer du sein chez des femmes d'ascendance africaine[2].
Le , elle est nommée par le présidentObama au National Cancer Advisory Board (Conseil consultatif national sur le cancer)[3],[4].
Vie privée
[modifier | modifier le code]Elle est mariée au médecin Christopher Sola Olopade, ils ont deux enfants, un fils et une fille[5]