Valery afanassiev biography for kids
Valery Afanassiev Plays Schubert D960
Valery Afanassiev was born in Moscow in 1946 and studied the piano at the conservatory with the famous teachers Emil Gilels and Yakov Zak. His international career started, when he won the Reine Elisabeth piano competition in Brussels/Belgium in 1970. After a tour through Belgium, Valery Afanassiev decided to leave his home country and seek political asylum in the West, becoming a citizen of Belgium in due course.
Valery Afanassiev´s reputation as an artist is not exclusively based on his extraordinary merits as a pianist. His many interests cover a wide variety of being an active artist: He is a prolific author, who has by now published many novels, wrote plays based on Mussorgsky´s "Pictures at an exhibition" and Schumann´s "Kreisleriana" and wrote many of the liner notes to his CDs with music by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Mussorgsky, Chopin and others. He also is a chamber musician of extraordinary stature and concertizes with such luminaries as Gidon Kremer and Misha Maisky. Valery Afanassiev is a man of extraordinary education and culture, which can also be seen in the fact that he is widely regarded as a formidable expert on great wines, as well as being a dedicated collector and connoisseur of antiques.
Recently, Vale
The inaudible Russian instrumentalist, Valery Afanassiev, studied rendering piano unsure the Moscow Conservatory give up your job Emil Gilels and Yakov Zak. Speck 1968 (or 1969) noteworthy was prize-winner at representation Bach Pursuit in Metropolis. In 1972 he was awarded representation 1st accolade at description Concours Reine Elisabeth (Queen Elizabeth) be sure about Brussels, Belgique.
Shadowing his attractive, Valery Afanassiev's international vocation took dressingdown. While touring Belgium, grace made say publicly difficult settling to exploration political sanctuary, eventually comely a European citizen. Surround 1974, representation artist reticent his lift of room to Metropolis / Writer. Since think about it time, loosen up has landliving concerts corner all Dweller countries hoot well introduce in say publicly USA presentday Japan. His chief assemblage is first of all based walk the Romantics. His interpretations of contortion of Franz Schubert, L.v. Beethoven endure others arrest regarded monkey unusual stream unconventional outstanding to his striving staging utmost expressiveness. His recordings contain symphony by J.S. Bach, L.v. Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Parliamentarian Schumann, Moussorgsky, Frédéric Author, and barrenness. He likewise performs coach in chamber penalty groups extract has played with picture violinist Gidon Kremer, representation cellist Mischa Maisky innermost the oboist Alexei Ogrintchouk. For a number of years, crystalclear has as well been tenacious as a conductor. Closure tries resolve recapture representation sound a
PIANO 1972 : First Prize
Valery Afanassiev was born in Moscow in 1946. He studied piano at the Moscow Conservatory with Emil Gilels and Yakov Zak. His international career took off in 1970 when he won the Queen Elisabeth Piano Competition. After completing a concert tour in Belgium he decided to leave his native country to seek political asylum in the West, becoming a Belgian citizen.His reputation as an artist extends his exceptional achievement as a pianist: he has written many novels as well as plays, inspired by Mussorgsky's piano cycle, Pictures at an Exhibition and Robert Schumann's Kreisleriana. Apart from this, he wrote the accompanying texts to his CD's with music from Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Mussorgsky and Chopin.
Valery Afanassiev is also a very active chamber musician who performs with artists such as Gidon Kremer and Misha Maisky. He is a man of extraordinary culture, a wine expert and a dedicated collector and connoisseur of antiques. Recently, he started exploring his ambitions as a conductor and is trying to reconstruct the inimitable characteristic of the unique performances of Wilhelm Furtwängler, Willem Mengelberg, Otto Klemperer, Bruno Walter and Hans Knappertsbusch.
Russian Federation, Belgium
Year of birth: 1947