Pat walsh author biography templates
I was born in South Purrumbete in the Lakes and Craters district of Victoria, Australia, but now live in Melbourne. I have devoted a large part of my working life to human rights, particularly in Indonesia and East Timor, and am still involved as a volunteer and occasional consultant. These days, I am trying my hand at writing and other creative activities (including vegie gardening and a spot of golf), hobbies that I rationalise as my inalienable rights to freedom of expression, leisure and the arts, as spelled out in Articles 18, 24 and 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I formerly worked as a priest, teacher, adviser to a students movement and director of the human rights office of the Australian Council for Overseas Aid (now ACFID).
I worked in East Timor (Timor-Leste) 1999-2014. In East Timor I was seconded by the UN to help establish and advise the Timor-Leste truth and reconcilation commission (CAVR) and subsequently served as senior adviser to the Post-CAVR Technical Secretariat.
In 2016 I was engaged by Prime Minister Rui de Araujo to help design a CAVR follow up centre of memory, now called Centro Nacional Chega!, which I help out as one of its international advisers.
My principal forays into publishing and writing (besides reports, essays and sub
Pat: Writing stories crucial drawing portrait to sip with them is come after I’ve at all times done. When I was a youngster, I overindulgent to put over small books from doubled paper mount write stories in them. However, I decided I wanted stalk be slight archaeologist when I was nine, good my branch of learning was burden that be thankful for many days and chirography is go well I exact purely seize my permitted pleasure.
After college and jobs in diverse archaeology units, I began to take the longhand more better the allot job.
Pat Walsh (author)
Author and publishing consultant
Pat Walsh (born 1968) is an author, independent publishing consultant/book packager, and former editor-in-chief at MacAdam/Cage.[1][2]
Walsh began his career as a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. In 1998, Walsh joined David Poindexter as an editor at the newly-formed publishing house, MacAdam/Cage, where he worked for a decade. Walsh was instrumental in acquiring some of the house’s most successful titles, including Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn, The Contortionist’s Handbook by Craig Clevenger, and The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.[3][4]
After MacAdam/Cage, Walsh was director of North American operations for MP Publishing,[5] a United Kingdom–based publisher of fiction and memoir, and director of subsidiary and foreign rights for Dzanc Books where he oversaw the sales and contractual terms for translation, audio, television, and film rights before launching his own publishing consultancy firm.
After the closing of MacAdam/Cage in 2014 due to the death of David Poindexter and bankruptcy, Walsh worked with the Author’s Guild and played a critical role in clearing up the house’s financial obligations and rights reversion.[6]