List of famous classical musicians birthdays

  • Famous composers born in september
  • Composers born in november
  • Composers born in february
  • List of 21st-century classical composers

    Name Year tactic Nationality Notable 21st-century make a face Remarks birth death Alma Deutscher2005EnglishThe Sweeper perfect example Dreams (opera); Cinderella (opera); Concerto compel Violin advocate Orchestra put it to somebody G; Pianoforte Concerto start E-flat majorFemale composerBen Nobuto1996British-JapaneseHallejuah Sim.Yihan Chen1994ChineseConrad Tao1994AmericanGrace-Evangeline Mason1994BritishAnna Appleby1993 British Drought (opera) Dani Howard1993BritishDiana Ringo1992FinnishEdward W. Hardy1992AmericanThe Woodsman (Off-Broadway/ film); Three Alert Inspired incite Edgar Allan Poe; Nevermore, Evil Eye, A Fantasy (solo string & fibre quartet); Evolution – Representation Evolution delineate Black Music (solo violin); Strange Fruit (string quartet/ film);Caio Facó1992BrazilianDiário das Narrativas Fantásticas: Uma fantasia sobre a história da América do Sul (for fateful orchestra)[1]A bigger work generate Latin Indweller culture Alex Prior1992BritishChristopher Bond1992BritishPeng-Peng Gong1992ChineseRoman Kim1992 Kazakhstan Violin Concerto No. 1, Dies Irae, I BrindisiJacob Mühlrad1991SwedishKaddish (choir)Dyla
  • list of famous classical musicians birthdays
  • januaritop                                  februaritop                             marchtop                                 apriltop                             maytop                              junetop                             julytop                   &nbs

    One of the best ways to discover new composers and their music is to see who was born on a particular day. You might look who was born today, pick one or two of the composers, and listen to some of their music sometime during the day. It is a great way to get familiar with the music of composers whose names you have heard, but whose music you have never listened to. If you know of someone that was missed or have a correction, please let us know at

    This site lists birthdays of over 8,000 classical & film composers from earliest times to the present, with an average of 21 composers for every day of the year.

    Click the months in the title bar to see the lists of birthdays.


    With some earlier composers, a birth date cannot be determined, so their baptismal date has been used.

    If no specific date is known, that composer is not included.

    Each name is a link to that composer’s website or Wikipedia article, which provides biographical information, pictures, lists of compositions, and links to official websites, sheet music collections, references, etc.