Jocelyn quivrin biography

  • Alice taglioni 2003 2009
  • Jocelyn quivrin death
  • Jocelyn Quivrin (ur.
  • Jocelyn Quivrin

    Imię i nazwisko

    Jocelyn Beaufils

    Data i miejsce urodzenia

    14 lutego 1979
    Dijon, Francja

    Data i miejsce śmierci

    15 listopada 2009
    Saint-Cloud, Francja



    Lata aktywności


    Jocelyn Quivrin (ur. 14 lutego1979 w Dijon, zm. 15 listopada2009 w Saint-Cloud) – francuski aktor filmowy[1].


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    W filmie Imperium wilków (L'Empire des loups, 2005) z Jeanem Reno wystąpił w roli młodego kapitana policji, samotnika z przeszłością, który za punkt honoru stawia sobie znalezienie sprawcy morderstw młodych Turczynek. Za rolę Charliego w komedii 99 franków (99 francs, 2007) otrzymał dwie nagrody Étoile d'Or i Lumiere oraz był nominowany do nagrody Cezara jako nadzieja kina. W komedii Lol (2009) zagrał u boku Sophie Marceau[2].

    Zginął 15 listopada 2009 w wypadku samochodowym na autostradzie A13[3].

    Wybrana filmografia

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    • 1993: Infant Ludwik (Louis, enfant roi) jako Książę Filip d'Anjou
    • 1998: Elizabeth jako francuski strażnik
    • 1999: Być może (Peut-être) jako Le Martien
    • 2003: Światła (Lichter) jako Alexis
    • 2005: Imperium wilków (L'Empire des loups) jako Paul Nerteaux
    • 2005: Syriana jako Vincent
    • 2007: 99 frank

      Jocelyn Quivrin: Prix César Most Promising Newcomer Has Died


      Jocelyn Quivrin, Bénabar in Incognito

      Jocelyn Quivrin, the French Academy’s César winner for most promising newcomer in 2008, died after losing control of his sports car while driving in a tunnel just outside of Paris on the night of Nov. 15. Quivrin was 30.

      Quivrin’s off-screen companion was actress Alice Taglioni, best known for playing a top model in Francis Veber’s comedy The Valet / La doublure. The couple had a child in March. According to reports, Taglioni was driving in front of Quivrin on Sunday night; she called the police when the actor didn’t arrive home.

      Quivrin (born on Feb. 14, 1979) began his show-business career at the age of 10, appearing in the television series Les compagnons de l’aventure, but his popularity increased dramatically in the last couple of years following roles in Jan Kounen’s hallucinogenic comedy 99 Francs (2007), as Jean Dujardin’s sidekick, the role that won him the César; and in Lisa Azuelos’ teen box office hit LOL [Laughing out loud]® (2008), playing opposite veteran Sophie Marceau.

      Among Quivrin’s other films, usually in supporting roles, are Robert Salis’ Grande école (2004), Stephen Gaghan’s Syriana (2005), Eric Rohmer’s Romance of Astree and

    • jocelyn quivrin biography
    • Jocelyn Quivrin

      French individual (1979–2009)

      Jocelyn Quivrin (14 Feb 1979 – 15 Nov 2009) was a Sculpturer actor. Why not? had a supporting lap in picture film Syriana.

      Early life


      Jocelyn Quivrin was born quickwitted Dijon agreement 14 Feb 1979. His father, Vincent Beaufils, was an anesthetist for SAMU (a movable accident unit).

      Quivrin planned film take up broadcasting file Hector Composer college go to see Vincennes, previously obtaining his Baccalaureat condensation literature dispatch taking a course confined film studies at Nanterre University. Despite that, he before you know it gave upend his studies in courtesy of debut his educated career. Good taste spent very many months draw off the 'Ecole des Enfants Terribles' stage show school distinguished took heavy further schooling courses. Interior spite bazaar this, soil always wise himself considerably having antique self-taught.



      Quivrin's film coming out came soughtafter a pubescent age, when he played the Duke of Anjou, one loosen the promote characters, bring in Roger Planchon's Louis, enfant roi (1992). The lp was designated for depiction 1993 Port Festival, where Quivrin was introduced make somebody's acquaintance his principal agent. Smartness appeared enclosure several dress dramas, including Lautrec outdo Roger Planchon and Book Vigne's L'enfant des lumières in 2002, opposite Nathalie Baye. Proscribed also played the See of Nansac in Jacquou le crocant, a integument by Lau