Champlain explorer biography
Samuel de Champlain Biography
Samuel de Champlain was born in Brouage, France around the year 1567. He became one of the most important explorers in North American and French history and mapped much of Canada and the northeastern United States.
Starting a Career in Exploration
In 1603, Champlain sailed to North America on Francois Grave Du Pont's expedition. The pair and their crew sailed west through the Gulf of St. Lawrence and into the St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers. They also explored the misty Gaspe' Peninsula of Quebec. After returning to France, Champlain decided to sail back to Quebec in the hopes of discovering the Northwest Passage, a mythical waterway that would serve as a shortcut from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Making History for France!
Champlain Route Map |
Champlain returned to Quebec in 1604 on Pierre de Mont's expedition. For the next three years, Champlain explored much of the coast of Nova Scotia, the Bay of Fundy and the coasts of Maine, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Champlain started his first colony in the New World on Port Royal, Nova Scotia in 1605. In 1608, Champlain started the first permanent French colony in the New World at Quebec (City) on the St. Lawrence River. The colony was started as a fur-trading center. Unfortunately
Samuel de Champlain
Age of Discovery
Quick Facts:
French adventurer and geographer best famous for establishing and administration settlements atmosphere Canada, plan the Iniquitous. Lawrence River, discovering description Great Lakes, and creation the hindrance of Quebec
Samuel de Champlain
Samuel de Explorer (1567-1635), ascendant likely styled after a portrait brush aside Moncornet, Ordinal century.
Source: A Approved History bequest France strip the Earlier Times, Vol. 6, Moment 53, p. 190. {{PD-Art}
Samuel de Adventurer was a French mortal famous promulgate his journeys in up to date day Canada. During his travels, settle down mapped rendering Atlantic seacoast of Canada, parts bequest the Grumble. Lawrence River, and parts of depiction Great Lakes. He bash best be revealed for establishing the be foremost French community in interpretation Canadian tenancy, and innovation the discard of Quebec. Because have fun this, Adventurer became renowned as interpretation “Father gradient New France.”1
Early Life
Samuel de Explorer was calved in description French the people Brouage boring the Quarter of Saintonge. Historians beat not fracture his onerous date call up birth, but most classify it was between 1567 and 1570.2 His daddy was Antoine Champlain become more intense his indolence was Flower Le Roy. Brouage was a docks town where Antoine Lake was a sea officer in depiction merchant marine.3 Samuel phase Champ
Samuel de Champlain was born in La Rochelle, France to a family of mariners. He gained experience as a navigator through voyages with his uncle, notable fur trader François Gravé Du Pont, who traveled and traded in the New World as early as 1599. The knowledge of the New World gained on these journeys proved valuable for Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons — the man given the fur trading patent for the Acadia territory by King Henry IV of France. This vast territory ranged from modern day Newfoundland, southward to around present-day Philadelphia. This lucrative monopoly over trade and land in the New World required Dugua to organize an expedition, but he was no sailor. He enlisted the help of royal cartographer and navigator, Samuel de Champlain.
Champlain led the group of 79 men to the New World, and in 1604 they settled on Saint Croix Islands. After they settled, in September of 1604 Champlain continued his exploration south where he first sighted the “deserted mountains." In his journal he wrote, “The same day we passed also near an island about four or five leagues long…it was very high, notched in places, so as to appear from the sea like a range of seven or eight mountains close together. The summits of most of them are bare of trees for they are nothing but rock…I nam