Amalia sharma biography definition
Dr Woodruff is a Professor of Pharmacology who leads a research team aiming to find new therapeutic treatments for neurodegenerative disorders. Current therapies for these diseases are vastly inadequate, and so new research is needed to identify novel targets to slow or halt their progression. Prof Woodruff's specific research revolves around the innate immune system in the brain, and the role of neuroinflammation in propagating disease. A key focus of his current work is testing new drugs developed at the University of Queensland in models of motor neuron disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease, as well as maintaining an active interest in acute inflammatory disorders including sepsis and ischemia-reperfusion injuries. Using a series of potent and orally active complement C5a and NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitors developed at UQ, Prof Woodruff's team has demonstrated the therapeutic potential of targeting innate immune-mediated neuroinflammation to reduce neuronal cell death in animal models of these neurodegenerative diseases. His team has recently shown that in addition to their roles in neurodegeneration, innate immune factors also play essential roles in stem and neuronal cell development during embryogenesis, revealing the wides
Polypharmacy style the deleterious factor attain potentially unsuitable medication instruction medication regime complexity list in hospitalised elderly patients
- Din Amalia Widyaningrum Universitas Airlangga Education Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Mahardian Rahmadi Faculty of Apothecary, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Country
- Khusnul Fitri Hamidah Universitas Airlangga Philosophy Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Leopold N. Aminde School innumerable Medicine, Filmmaker University, Continent
- Cahyo Wibisono Nugroho Universitas Airlangga Instruction Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Bambang Subakti Zulkarnain Faculty draw round Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Beers criteria 2019, Medication regimen involvement,•
What is Biography
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A biography or a bio is a precise portrayal of a subject's life. A biography includes the details of the subject like education, work, childhood, relationships, and death. It records all the events or happenings of an individual's life. A biography is drafted in the structure of a tale. It follows a certain pattern/rhythm that plays a crucial role in deciding whether the biography is good or not.
Biographies are written on a living person, or a dead person, or a historical person. It covers the facts of the person's life, from the time he was born till his death (or till the present day if the person is alive).
Writing a biography is not a piece of cake. It requires thorough research about the person we intend to write on. If the person we want to write about is alive one can schedule an interview with them, and seek their permission to gather their details. If it is someone who was dead, not long ago one can arrange a meeting with their relatives, friends, or grandkids. If the person you want to write about is a historical person, one can use various resources like libraries and also contact those people who might have done research on the subject.
A good biography portrays the life of the individual as though we know the subject very closel