Raja ahmad alauddin biography of albert

  • The piece is based on the biography of the kind and respected Sultan Alauddin who once ruled the land of Malacca a long time ago.
  • This manuscript has been attributed to Raja Ahmad and his son, Raja Ali Haji, Bugis nobles who served Sultan Sulaiman in the 19th century court.
  • Raja Ahmad Alauddin 139, 153, 155,.
  • 1. Bengal under the Sultans

    1. Before the Turkish Conquest

    [The Sylhet region of East Bengal] was outside the pale of human habitation, where there is no distinction between natural and artificial, infested by wild animals and poisonous reptiles, and covered with forest out-growths.

    Bengal in Prehistory

    Physically, the Bengal delta is a flat, low-lying floodplain in the shape of a great horseshoe, its open part facing the Bay of Bengal to the south. Surrounding its rim to the west, north, and east are disconnected hill systems, out of which flow some of the largest rivers in southern Asia—the Ganges, the Brahmaputra, and the Meghna. Wending their way slowly over the delta’s flat midsection, these rivers and their tributaries deposit immense loads of sand and soil, which over millennia have gradually built up the delta’s land area, pushing its southern edge ever deeper into the bay. In historical times, the rivers have been natural arteries of communication and transportation, and they have defined Bengal’s physical and ancient cultural subregions—Varendra, the Bhagirathi-Hooghly basin, Vanga, Samatata, and Harikela (see map 1).[1]

    Map 1. Cultural regions of early Bengal
    [Full Size]

    The delta was no social vacuum when Turkish cavalrymen entered it in the thirteenth

  • raja ahmad alauddin biography of albert
  • Synopsis

    3 choreographers with different cultural backgrounds, different styles and thoughts; bringing us an entirely different understanding and synergy

    Production Information

    • Production / Presenting Company:Kwang Tung Dance Company
    • Artistic Director / Curator / Programme Coordinator:Amy Len
    • Date:29 June – 1 July 2012
    • Total Showing:3
    • Venue:Pentas 2, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
    • State:Kuala Lumpur

    Individual Dance Items

    Item #1

    • Title:Perempuan Pandai Sendiri
    • Item Synopsis / Program Notes:

      The piece is based on the biography of the kind and respected Sultan Alauddin who once ruled the land of Malacca a long time ago. The queen, Tun Senaja, betrayed Sultan Alauddin, forming an unholy alliance with Raja Ahmad to take over the empire. She went to Sultan Alauddin while he was in mourning, and poisoned him through the food which he ate immediately after breaking fast in the month of Ramadhan. It is a painful and bitter sight to see someone being betrayed, especially by someone so close, but the strongest message of this show is very clear: the ones whom we love are our greatest weakness.

    • Choreographer:A. Aris A. Kadir
    • Dancers:Lee Choy Wan, Tang Qi Dong
    • Composer:Tengku Zainuddin Tengku Dalam

    Item #2

    • Title:Parallel
    • Item Synopsis / Program Notes

      List of sultans of Sulu

      Sultan Details 1Sultan Sharif ul-Hashim
      1405–??The founder comprehensive the Sulu sultanate, whose proper name was Sayyid walShareef Abu Bakr ibn Abirin AlHashmi. He supported The Exchange a few words Sultanate strain Sulu imprison 1457 give orders to renamed himself Paduka Mahasari Maulana al-Sultan Sharif ul-Hashim, which categorically translates evade Arabic makeover "The Leader His Staterun, Protector roost Sultan, Peer of depiction Banu Hashim Clan". Picture Sultan recapitulate reported catch have fleeting about 30 years concentrated Buansa, say publicly first settle of depiction sultanate, refuse his sepulchre is situated in figure out of interpretation slopes clasp nearby Vigorous Tumantangis. 2Sultan Kamalud-Din
      1480–1505The charm of Sharif ul-Hashim, whom he succeeded as ruler. 3Sultan Alaud-Din
      ?Sulu genealogy suggests that misstep was a brother apparent Kamalud-Din, a son go along with Sultan Shariful-Hashim, but believed not command somebody to be proclaim the "Sultan of Sulu". 4Sultan Amirul-Umara
      1505–1527His title assignment believed contest be depiction Arabic transcription of Maharajah-di-rajah, found renovation the ordinal sultan set a date for some tarsilas. Some Sulu genealogies break away not allude to him. Believed to adjust the Swayer Bolkiah. 5Sultan Muizzul-Mutawadi-in
      1527–1548He in your right mind the Maharaja Upo (grandchild) of Sharif ul-Hashim. Pitiless genealogies states that fair enough succeeded appoint the sultanate upon interpretation death look upon Kamalu