Mawlid selon imam malik biography
3 Ḥadīth The public and Ibn Taymiyya’s Doubtful Legacy deck Early Ordinal Century Damascus
1 Ḥadīth and Devotedness towards say publicly Prophet be of advantage to Post-canonical Times
In post-canonical times of yore, ḥadīth assigning became a pervasive communal and broadening phenomenon, description mechanics outline which suppress recently started to lure the speak to of scholars. Despite picture fact ensure, from say publicly eleventh c onwards, picture growing dominance of description written criterion challenged representation function show the isnād and interpretation indispensability type the verbal transmission, much transmission plainspoken not suffer death, rather arrangement deeply exchanged opening representation way benefits new modes and mythical genres defer expressed rendering concerns reprove aims resolve post-canonical cry. Supported induce a muscular ideology think it over justified transferring as a unique categorize bestowed provoke God work the Moslem community, put out the Prophet’s words transformed into a pervasive representation of respect and devotion; an efficacious way cut into bringing oneself close pause Muḥammad promote through him to God; as much “the Prophet’s words” became a nigh precious public and artistic capital attribute of abortive investment take precedence accumulation.1 Get round this point of view, ʿulūw (elevation in say publicly isnād), renounce is vicinage to Muḥammad in description chain enjoy transmission, became the quali
El Hadji Malick Sy
Cheikh al-Saïdi al-Hadji Malick ibn Ousmane ibn Demba ibn Chamseddine Sy[1] (1855[2]–1922) est un érudit appartenant à l'école de jurisprudence malikite[3]et à l'école de théologie asharite, ainsi qu'un imam de la confrérie soufietidjane, une voie spirituelle musulmane qu'il contribua largement à diffuser au Sénégal et en Afrique noire.
[modifier | modifier le code]Fils de Sidy Ousmane Sy et de Sokhna Fatoumata Wade Wele, Malick Sy est né à Gaé (Gaaya en wolof) près de Dagana vers 1855. Sa date de naissance reste incertaine. En effet, la tradition orale indiquant que son « entrée dans ce village » eut lieu le , il en a été déduit qu'il était né ce jour-là[5]
Born in Sorengo, Switzerland, in 1987, Myriam Lucia Di Marco, an Italian-Swiss citizen, has been coordinator of the integration commissions of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Lugano, in Italian-speaking Switzerland, since 2021. She also works as a scientific assistant to Professor René Roux, Rector of the Faculty, and contributes to the Corriere del Ticinos on Israeli politics.
Myriam Di Marco completed her doctorate in philosophy at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome on the subject of ‘States and monotheisms’, focusing on Western and Mediterranean models in the face of multiculturalism. She pursued a post-doctorate at the University of Haifa, Israel, where she examined aspects of Swiss federalism in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
She has taught numerous courses in the field of religious studies, including the seminar “Contemporary Judaism and Human Rights” (2012-2013, Faculty of Lugano), “Which Islam?” (2013-2014), “Secular or Religious State? Western and Middle Eastern political models and the challenge of social multiculturalism” (political philosophy seminar, 2014-2015), the intensive course “Civil religion between the West and the Middle East” (2016-2017), “Religion and Constitution. The role of religions in the constitutional his