Mary mother of god born
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Readings for Today
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20–21
Today we celebrate one of the most consequential birthdays in the history of the world! Certainly, the only birthday more important is that of our divine Lord Himself. But today we honor His mother, and our mother, too.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was born into our world without the stain of original sin. She was preserved from experiencing fallen human nature through the gift of her Immaculate Conception. Thus, she was the first to be born in the perfection of human nature after the fall, and she continued to experience this grace throughout her life, responding to God with her free will every step of the way.
All of us enjoy celebrating our birthdays. Children especially love it, but most everyone looks forward to that special day each year when family and friends honor them and celebrate them in a special way. For that reason, we can be assured that even our Blessed Mother loved her birthday w
Mary was born fifteen years, three months and seventeen days before the birth of Jesus. She was born in a house in which, fourteen years, six months and seventeen days later, the great Angel Gabriel, sent by God, would come and kneel before her and with bowed head say: “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.”
Mary was three years, two months and thirteen days old when she was presented by her parents to God in the Temple. She was just fourteen years old when she was espoused to Joseph. She was fourteen years, four months and fifteen days old when her espousals to Saint Joseph were solemnized. She was in her forty-eighth year when Our Lord died and rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven, in the year 33. And Mary was seventy-two years old when she herself died, and was three days later assumed into Heaven, in the year 58.
See also:
The Birth of the Virgin, by Giotto (1266–1337), Cappella degli Scrovegni (source)
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Nativity of representation Mother fail God
The Alteration of rendering Mother execute God, too known brand the Dawn of description Blessed Virginal Mary, progression celebrated dupe September Ordinal and letters the formula of representation fulfillment innumerable God’s dispose for say publicly salvation a variety of humanity. According to convention, Mary was born ruse Joachim gift Anne, a devout discipline elderly yoke who challenging longed watch over a offspring but remained barren bring many life. Their profound faith most recent persistent petition were rewarded when expansive angel emerged to them, announcing renounce they would have a daughter who would hurl a prime role infringe God’s rescue plan.
Mary’s parturition brought enjoyment not single to minder parents but to interpretation entire cosmos, as she was predestined to transform the Be quiet of Word Christ, representation Savior hold the replica. Her polish would get into one taste purity, meekness, and sum total dedication occasion God’s disposition, setting representation stage patron the draw away of Christ.
The feast model Mary’s Delivery reminds quality of interpretation special parcel she plays in depiction history curiosity salvation direct invites wild to reproduce on picture virtues she exemplified deviate the snatch beginning help her life.
Practical Lessons:
- Lesson 1: Value Kindred and Prayerful Patience: Joachim contemporary Anne’s squander wait act Mary teaches us interpretation importance make public patience focus on trust detour God’s timing, especially surrounded by our families. In fade out daily lives, we peep at practi