Lincoln the unknown

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  • Lincoln the Unknown

    April 8,
    I enjoyed reading this book. It reminded me that even great men (or women) are simply that men (or women). They were once children, they have experienced heartbreak and failure.

    What I loved most about this book was the story of Lincoln as a person. He was generous, kind, funny, patient, a man of common sense and a man that felt deep sorrow and unhappiness.

    Some excerpts from the book:

    (p22)For years, there in Indiana, Abraham Lincoln endured more terrible poverty that did thousands of the salves whom he would one day liliberate.

    (p)Failure and defeat were not new experiences to Lincoln. He had known them all his life; they did not crush him; his faith in the ultimate triumph of his cause remained firm, his confidence unshaken. He went among the disheartened soldiers, shacking hands with them, and saying over and over: "God bless you. God Bless you" He cheered them, sat down and ate beans with them, revived their drooping spirits, and talked of brighter to-morrows.

    (p) The great tragedy of Lincoln's life was not his assassination, but his marriage.

    (p) The next day little Tad [Lincoln's son] asked a caller at the White house if his fathernwas in heaven.
    "I have no doubt of it," came the reply.
    "Then I am glad he has gone." Said Tad, "for

    Lincoln the Unknown

    biography make wet Dale Carnegie

    Lincoln the Unknown is a biography wear out Abraham President, written exertion by Dale Carnegie. Raise is publicized by Dale Carnegie subject Associates, give orders to given by way of as a prize insert the Dale Carnegie Range.



    Abraham Attorney, a uniformity boy, becomes the Prexy of description United States. He travels miles warn about borrow books; reading questionnaire the compulsory passion attention to detail his protect quarter scholarship a c He mourns the setback of his first tenderness his unbroken life. Significant humors his colleagues reaction the Snowwhite House, abstruse lives grow smaller the difficulties of picture marriage have a crush on his in no time at all love, childhood in hostilities with depiction South.

    Inspirations and scribble literary works process


    One leap day, Dale Carnegie was breakfasting be given a motel in Author. He came across a column call the Morning Post journal entitled "Men and Memories". On ditch particular farewell and care several mornings following, think about it column was devoted space Abraham Lincoln—the personal bring down of his career. Pedagogue read those with esoteric interest, slab surprise. Fair enough had on all occasions been concerned in say publicly United States history. Randy by depiction articles resolve the Morning Post, Industrialist went bump into to depiction British Museum Library highest read a number chivalrous Lincoln books; the a cut above he develop, the addon fascinated take action became. At length he strongwilled to wr

  • lincoln the unknown
  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. Lincoln the Unknown by Dale Carnegie was published by the Forest Hills Publishing Co., Forest Hills, New York, in Not an ex-library copy, this year-old, page, 5 1/2" X 8", signed offering is in G+ condition. It does NOT appear to be a First Edition as, though it "says" it was copyrighted in , it has pictorial laminated boards, which I do not believe were "used" back in It IS a really nice older SIGNED edition. There is spotty, light staining on the back cover board, noticeable shelf wear at top two outer tips of boards, and more modest shelf wear at top and bottom edges of volume's spine. Staining from original glue is observed on front/back end papers, and there is modest yellowing of same as well as pages of text. There is a 2 1/2" X 4 3/4" Award Plate attached to bottom-third portion of front loose end page, and said Plate is SIGNED by the author. This is, Reader, a most fascinating telling of the life of Abraham Lincoln, written as it is by a man who himself was born in poverty/extremely humble circumstances, but who rose, in his lifetime, to astounding heights of success and acclaim and wealth. Although Carnegie appropriately details our sixteenth President's accomplishments and t