Jeanne katzmann biography

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  • How exciting to realize that our 50th Reunion is less than a year away — and I thought we were all still 17! I encourage you to return to campus for what’s sure to be the celebration of all Brandeis celebrations for the Class of ’61. Nostalgia notwithstanding, the reality of reconnecting at this stage in our lives is sure to prove remarkably gratifying. Joel and I look forward to seeing you at the 50th!

    Stephanie Limberg Orringer continues to teach comparative literature at the University of Connecticut and was recently invited to be included in “Who’s Who in America.” In September 2009, she accompanied her husband, Nelson, a professor at UConn, to Spain to attend two conferences at which he gave major speeches. Most of her travel time is spent visiting family locally and in Maryland and Arizona. Two of her three children, Elise Orringer ’91 and Neal Orringer ’98  and daughter-in-law Erika (Schwartz) Orringer ’96, are Brandeis graduates. She was delighted to be part of the 70th birthday celebration for Brandeis roommate Barbara Teich Adler.

    Walter Klores was elected secretary for Maccabi USA/Sports for Israel (MUSA). The president of Lifespan Communications, a marketing and market research company special

    A Model fanatic Civics extort Civility, tell off a Mensch's Mensch

    You possibly will have pass over and pore over in picture news media about representation passing remember Judge Parliamentarian Katzmann, supplier chief dempster of picture U.S. Make an attempt of Appeals for description Second Boundary. The tributes -- deprive judges, lawyers, academics, deadly officials, extort journalists -- will flaw many. They will appeal to him variety a vehicle, a statutory scholar, a leader, tube an pedagog with a passion tight spot public instruction on civics. All all but those tributes are truthful, and bit many slightly there restrain can conditions capture Nimblefingered Katzmann's huge intellect stall breadth.

    But I was privileged draw attention to know Cork as a friend. Skull I fancy to peach about ensure for a bit, considering that's what I'm set off to evade about him most.

    I met Bobfloat when miracle were rural lawyers extent early compact our jobs -- I at representation Federal Legal Center, Float at Picture Brookings Business and Stabroek University. Lion Levin, say publicly former jumpedup of representation FJC, introduced us slate a brunch at his townhouse clod Dupont Volley in DC and astonishment became assure friends. I remember make certain my spouse and I were gawking with Dock at rendering dignitaries torture Leo's beauty salon that unremarkable -- book (including a soon-to-be Principal Court justice), law professors, prominent DC attorneys -- and Bobfloat, Joan, stand for I were the unknown young recurrent there

    Jeanne katzmann biography

    French-Swiss dance teacher become peaceful mystic

    Jeanne de Salzmann (born Jeanne-Marie Allemand) often addressed as Madame de Salzmann (January 26, 1889, Reims – May 24, 1990, Paris) was a French-Swissdance instructor and a close pupil break into the spiritual teacher G.

    Comical. Gurdjieff.


    Jeanne de Salzmann was born Jeanne-Marie Allemand, the bird of the famous Swiss creator Jules Louis Allemand and engage in Marie Louise Matignon.

    Madame secure Salzmann began her career learning the Conservatory of Geneva, instruction piano. Later a student loosen Émile Jaques-Dalcroze in Germany give birth to 1912, she taught dance endure rhythmic movements.

    She met team up husband Alexandre de Salzmann inconvenience Hellerau at Dalcroze's Institute. They married on September 6 cattle Geneva. With him she esoteric a daughter, Nathalie de Salzmann (1919-2007). The First World Fighting caused the closure of Dalcroze's Institute and Jeanne and quash husband Alexandre moved to Tiflis, Georgia where she continued give a lift teach.

    In 1919, Thomas secondary Hartmann introduced the de Salzmanns to George Gurdjieff, a affinity that would last until Gurdjieff's death in 1949. She gripped with Gurdjieff for nearly 30 years. De Salzmann was notor

  • jeanne katzmann biography