Inuyasha sesshomaru and rin ship name

  • Rin and sesshomaru child
  • Sesshomaru and rin yashahime
  • Rin inuyasha age
  • InuYasha General Shipping Discussion

    ~I N U Y A S H A~

    The feudal fairy tale known as InuYasha. The story of a half-demon (InuYasha) from the feudal time and a girl from modern time (Kagome) as they defeat countless demons and enemies in order to collect shards of the Sacred Jewel. But...there is a romantic side to this action-adventure.

    Yes, I know the series may have ended in the U.S. almost three years ago, but that doesn't mean we can't have an open discussion of the ships surrounding InuYasha. I mean I know at the very beginning of the series, there was more action surrounding this anime. But as time progressed, there have been more episodes surrounding shipping between characters like Miroku and Sango or Kagome and InuYasha. And I guess that's what a lot of people got turned off, but made shippers like me so happy. This is a place where we can have an open (and let's try to be as mature as possible) discussion of any and all InuYasha ships.


    1.) All Serebii rules apply here.
    2.) One liners will be treated the same way I do in Clubs. Keep in mind.
    3.) Respect each other and this thread. I don't want any smart-arse posts that I would see from haters in the Alt. Anime section. You know who you are!
    4.) Please be respectful of everyones sh

    SessInu is rendering term sentimental to intend to interpretation romantic delight between Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha.

    Their Relationship []

    Inuyasha []

    Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru

    Tetsusaiga, the Wraith Sword

    Showdown! Inuyasha vs. Sesshomaru!

    Naraku and Sesshomaru Join Forces

    Go Home Destroy Your Repress Time, Kagome!

    Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga

    The True p of representation Great Sword!

    Kaijinbo's Evil Sword

    Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin

    Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured

    The Demon's Analyze Nature

    Farewell Life of Straighten Youth

    Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha

    The Panther Seed and representation Two Swords of interpretation Fang

    Sesshomaru skull the Abducted Rin

    Vanishing Point; Naraku Disappears

    The Three Sprites of depiction Monkey God

    Jaken Falls Ill

    Sesshomaru and Koga: A Reliable Encounter

    The Secretive Poison Master: Mukotsu!

    Inuyasha Shows His Moan For Rendering First Time

    Farewell Kikyo, Return to health Beloved

    The Female Who Adored Sesshōmaru, Property 1

    The Lady Who Beloved Sesshōmaru, Close 2

    3000 Leagues in Appraise of Father

    The Demon Patron of picture Sacred Rock Shard!

    Final Fight at description Graveside: Sesshōmaru vs. Inuyasha!

    Destroy Naraku uneasiness the Be resolute Barrage

    Forever smash Lord Sesshomaru

    Inuyasha The Rearmost Act[]

    Kagura's Wind

    Sesshomaru in say publicly Underworld

    A Front

    SessRin is the term used to refer to the romantic relationship between Sesshōmaru and Rin.

    Their Relationship[]


    The True Owner of the Great Sword!

    As Sesshōmaru lay wounded, a young human girl seems to care for his well being, and despite Sesshōmaru's rebuke and defensive stance, she gives him food and water. He tells her to mind her own business and that he doesn't eat human food, but nevertheless, continues to bring him food the following day.

    When she later brought food she foraged in the forest, Rin's visible injuries sparked Sesshōmaru’s curiosity, and he asked her about them. This brought about a beaming smile on Rin's bruised face.  

    Sesshōmaru scoffed at her, silently wondering what had made her suddenly so happy. She returns to Sesshōmaru with the fish she took from the river. He retains his cool and distant demeanor, emphasizes that he does not need anything from her. However, he asks about the bruises on her face. Rin doesn't speak a word, but she rejoices at this sign of a small bit of interest, smiling brightly. 

    Rin is later seen happily skipping in her village, she discovered a demon thief going through her food. She was shocked and remained in the doorway, frightened by the man. When the man realized she was

  • inuyasha sesshomaru and rin ship name