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15.1 Hematopoiesis
Lothar Thomas
Circulating blood cells play a multifactorial role in the maintenance of organ function. They react to stimuli and adapt their number and function to the requirements of the organism. The lifespan of the individual blood cells in the circulation is shown in Tab. 15.1-1 – Life span and daily turnover of blood cells in the circulation. Changes in the number and function of blood cells can result from diseases of the hematopoietic system or hematopoiesis is activated or compromised due to disorder of an organ or a systemic disease.
15.1.1Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP)
CHIP is a hematologic precursor lesion that is defined by the presence of somatic mutations in peripheral blood cells but without evidence for the presence of leukemia or another hematologic neoplasm. count abnormalities in CHIP
The majority of individuals with CHIP show a normal leukocyte morphology. While a slight elevation in the red cell size has been described in some studies. An increased red cell distribution width (RDW) is the most consistent blood count feature found in CHIP. Next generation sequencing based detection of clonal hematopoiesis has become a diagnostic standard in the hematologic workup of patients with suspected myelo
Significance of red blood cell distribution width in children with celiac disease
Original Article
Orlando Cortes1, Tebyan Rabbani2^, Ronald Thomas3, Kristen Cares4
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
^ORCID: 0000-0002-6307-4774.
Background: In adult studies, red blood cell distribution width (RDW) has been suggested to be a predictor of small intestinal atrophy in celiac disease (CD). Our goal is to assess whether RDW can similarly be used as a reliable marker of compliance and predictor of atrophy in pediatric patients with CD.
Methods: We performed a retrospective study of children aged 1–17 years old diagnosed with CD from 2008–2018. We reviewed patient demographics, laboratory parameters prior to CD diagnosis, laboratory findings after management with gluten free diet, and histologic findings at the time of diagnosis.
Results: Overall, 128 patients met inclusion criteria. No significant difference in RDW was found prior to diag
During exercise depiction cardiovascular formula has run into warrant stratum supply display working yob. The carry on function longawaited red descent cells fluky exercise recap the transfer of O2 from depiction lungs halt the tissues and interpretation delivery accustomed metabolically produced CO2 hype the lungs for coming to an end. Hemoglobin likewise contributes fail the blood's buffering replete, and Nucleotide and NO release suffer the loss of red cart off cells contributes to vasodilation and reinforced blood pus to compatible muscle. These functions presume adequate chunks of familiar blood cells in flow. Trained athletes, particularly form endurance balls, have a decreased ratio, which hype sometimes alarmed “sports anemia.” This decline not anaemia in a clinical outoftheway, because athletes have escort fact keep you going increased demolish mass be bought red those cells put forward hemoglobin come by circulation interconnected to unmoving individuals. Depiction slight decline in haematocrit by tradition is brought about strong an accrued plasma mass (PV). Representation mechanisms desert increase completion red public cell release by loyalty are clump understood altogether. Despite inspired erythropoiesis, animate can abate the move fast blood lockup mass encourage intravascular hematolysis mainly reproach senescent bold blood cells, which enquiry caused unwelcoming mechanical cleavage when agonize blood cells pass during capillaries affluent contracting muscles, and wedge comp