General werner freers biography channel
Foreign Relations doomed the Mutual States, 1961–1963, Volume V, Soviet Union
- Abel, Col. Rudolf I., 343–346, 364
- Acheson, Thespian, 266
- Adenauer, Author, 11, 92, 147, 171, 198, 222, 223, 227, 231, 314, 317, 332–333, 614, 616, 622, 752, 763, 782
- Adzhubei, Aleksei I., 97, 310, 334, 347, 353, 360n, 438, 439, 441
- Humiliations suffered by, 359–360
- Kennedy-Khrushchev television exchange,
- Kennedyʼs interviews pick up again, 264–266, 320–334, 356–360
- Afghanistan, 467, 519–520, 717
- Africa, 9, 20, 62, 574, 622, 658
- Aidit Dipa Nusantara, 607
- Airmen held by State, release of:
- Air deliver issue. SeeCivil Air Agreement.
- Akalovsky, Alexander A., 100, Cardinal, 171, 172, 178n, 181, 182, 206, 225n, 229, 320n, 356, 436n, 437, 533, 738, 785, 791, 793, 833, 836
- Albania, 308, 309, 377, 378, 387
- Albert, Carl, 232
- Aleksenko, G. V., 122
- Algeria, 40, 190, 191, 192, 649
- Alkhimov (USSR), 815
- All-Asia consultative council, 262
- Alliance use Progress, 574
- Alphand, Hervé, 81, 779
- Alsop, Histrion, 403, 460
- Anderson, William O., 143n, 308n
- Andropov, Andrey, 387
- Angola, 189–190
- Arends, Leslie C., 232
- Armenia, 656
- Armitage, Bathroom A., 68, 139n, 143n, 197, 241n, 242n
- Arms Monitor and Disarmament
- Agency (ACDA), 454, 468, 624
- Aron, Raymond, 313
- Atomic Energy Snooze, 307
- Austria
German Heavy Brigade Attacks: The Concept of Capabilities Demonstration Exercises in the Context Of Leader Development
by MAJ Jens-Uwe Rohrmoser
“The Capabilities Demonstration Exercise is of crucial importance for the German Army...
“We are an Army constantly on deployment, and we have gained considerable experience on operations abroad, a good share of which also in combat operations. Every year we get new soldiers, and we want to familiarize them with the character of a deployment Army as quickly as possible. That is why we show them those live vignettes during their professional development training in order to purposefully prepare them for future deployments.”
— LTG Werner Freers
Chief of Staff of the German Army, 2011
The German armed forces started a process of transformation in 2011 in order to better prepare for possible future challenges. This process is known as “Army 2011,” marking the year when it was initiated. A reduction in numbers should not lead to a reduction in capabilities and combat power; on the contrary, the new, leaner structure is aimed at improving the combat effectiveness of the brigade level, which is to become the core element in future deployments.
The German Army is no longer the only service conducting land-based operations. The Jo
The American Home Front During World War II: Incarceration and Martial Law
[2] Bryant 2019; Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office 2021; Sturkol 2023.
[3] Hinnershitz 2021b; National Archives and Records Administration 2021. It is worth noting that because of existing laws, it was not possible for Issei or first generation Japanese immigrants to the United States to apply to become citizens (National Park Service 2023).
[4] The Enemy Alien Act did not apply to US citizens, but Italian Americans – particularly along the West Coast – were also targeted (Hinnershitz 2021b; Taylor 2017; Texas Historical Commission n.d.). The government knew who was under restriction because in 1940, FDR had signed the Alien Registration Act into law. Among other things, it required all foreign-born US residents to register with the government (Gage 2022).
[5] National Archives and Records Administration 2021; Texas Historical Commission n.d. Many family members of those declared enemy aliens chose to accompany their loved ones to the incarceration camps. Detainees from Latin America included a handful of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. Not all incarcerated Germans were from Germany. The US g