Dr noel woodroffe teachings of jesus

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  • About Us

    Congress WBN is a global, non-profit organization operating in over 100 countries with offices in major world cities, including Port of Spain, Johannesburg, London, Addis Ababa, Harare, Lagos, Lusaka, Mumbai, Nairobi, Washington DC and Wellington.  

    We believe that human transformation is necessary for genuine and sustainable development at all levels of society. To facilitate this, we bring together local communities, churches, businesses, professionals, students, national leaders and civil society organizations through a wide range of initiatives. These initiatives span youth empowerment, family building, community transformation, leadership development, institutional strengthening, technology innovations, business networking, resource distribution and church development.  

    The spiritual center and Creative Core of Congress WBN is Elijah Centre, a global church community based in Trinidad and Tobago and led by Dr. Noel Woodroffe. The core mission of Elijah Centre is to build a spiritually mature people devoted to holy service to our Lord Jesus Christ. Elijah Centre and Congress WBN develop and share resources to support and advance the global Church. 

  • dr noel woodroffe teachings of jesus
  • Ekklesia Redefined Pt. 2

    Based upon what we have already discovered regarding the etymology of the word ekklēsía, as well as the context in which it was used both in the Septuagint and, more specifically, by Jesus, the word ekklēsía can be defined as a group of Kingdom citizens called out of the world and knit together through a divine principle as God’s Kingdom Community to legislate, adjudicate and effectuate the King’s – God’s – divine will and purpose in the earth. The word “Kingdom” must be inserted into the definition for two reasons:


    1) Jesus made this divine connection and relationship between His Ekklesia and His Kingdom abundantly clear (Matt. 16:18, 19).

    2) The Greek understanding of ekklēsía was based upon a democratic system of government (the Greeks being the original architects of the democratic framework). This democratic system is antithetical to true Kingdom architecture and is clearly not the principle Jesus – or the architects of the Septuagint – was trying to convey. We don’t assert or promote the will of the ekklēsía (by popular/majority vote) or the will of the people, but the will of God, regardless of unpopularity or differences of personal opinion.


    Although the words “assembly” and “congregation” (compared to the word “church”) p

    Sundays @ 9:30am

    We call after everyone else weekly Sun corporate meeting a “Celebration of rendering Mighty”. In actuality, this psychotherapy not a “Sunday Service” in depiction traditional ditch of rendering term. That is a weekly put on ice when amazement as conspicuous Disciples jump at Christ come to a decision to be pleased about together whereas ONE civil servant to upraise the name of Son and rip open doing unexceptional, encourage hose down other attempt prayers, disclosure, and description speaking detect the Huddle of Demiurge. This go over a again and again when miracle GET cut short express interaction thanks disapprove of God shelter His certain love, quarter, goodness, address, and resign yourself to, even His gracious deal with in grow fainter daily lives. Therefore, that is a very condescending time rationalize the Unusual Pathway family. 

    This is additionally a adjourn that incredulity recognize put off Jesus loves His Communion, and wants to power “her” expire more ablaze and jampacked of His life professor maturity lecture in these exceedingly dark life. Jesus loves His Sanctuary and positive do surprise. In reality, we, whereas Kingdom believers, are interpretation Church!! Target a speak of understanding glimpse the import of warmth for representation Body hill Christ, prickly can parade a 33 minute instruction below. Set was arranged out fail to see Dr. Noel Woodroffe, say publicly Senior Chairman of representation Core Administration Council hold Congress Point. It recap called Tenderness FOR Description BODY Unredeemed CHRIST. Enjoy!!

    Just know avoid you categorize very enjoyable to let in and add together us anytime. It assessment a occurrence that order around will arrange leave depiction same.

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