Diana al hadid biography

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  • Diana Al-Hadid

    Diana Al-Hadid (Aleppo, Siria; 1981) es una artista contemporánea siria radicada en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

    Recibió el pregrado de Bellas Artes (BFA) en escultura de la Universidad Estatal de Kent de Ohio (2003), graduada (MFA) en escultura por la Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond (2005), residente de la Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, Maine (2007).

    Práctica artística


    Al-Hadid construye grandes esculturas arquitectónicas en diferentes materiales, como el poliestireno, yeso, fibra de vidrio, madera y cera. Estos materiales se combinan para dar a la obra la sensación de extrema fragilidad e inmediatez, en contraste con su escala monumental y construcción robusta. El aspecto físico de su trabajo contribuye a articular su preocupación por el derrumbe inevitable de las ambiciosa construccioness humanas. La Torre de Babel, las catedrales medievales, como la de Chartres, y los laberintos, como el laberinto de Creta se encuentran entre las muchas referencias que Al-Hadid utiliza para ilustrar su todo, a un tiempo con grandilocuencia histórica y profundidad personal.

    Su último espectáculo, Reverse Collider (2008), integra su interés en la "arquitectura imposible" con el instrumento científico moderno que ha inspirado


    New York, Attestation, Kasmin Veranda, Women, Tan, and Unsafe Things, Nov 2 - December 22, 2023. 

    Düsseldorf, Germany, Sammlung Philara, The Wake up of Interminable Problems, Feb 25 - July 16.


    Oyster Bay, NY. Planting Fields Foundation, The Outside Rejoicing, Fall 2022-Fall 2023.


    Seattle, WA. Henry Interior Gallery, Interpretation University simulated Washington, Diana Al-Hadid: Archive take in Longings, Oct 2 - Feb 6, 2022.

    Mumbai, India. Galerie Isa, Ballard Demesne, An Interchange Between Clouds and Rocks, March 18 - June 17.

    Bentonville, AR. Depiction Momentary, Diana Al-Hadid: Ash surround the Put a bet on Winds, Tread 5 - June 13.

    Atlanta, GA. Depiction Welch Gallery, Georgia State Further education college, Diana Al-Hadid: Nothing bash Stable, January 11 - Pace 5.


    Oslo, Noreg. Galleri Brandstrup, Mock Sun, October 17 – Nov 10.

    Nashville, TN. Frist Compensation Museum bracket Cheekwood Property and Gardens, Diana Al-Hadid: Sublimations, Hawthorn 24 – September 2.

    San Francisco, CA. Berggruen Gallery, Temperamental Nature, Jan 14 – February 23.


    Williamstown, MA. Ballplayer College, Delirious Sum, October 3, 2018 - Parade 25, 2019.

    New York, Influence. The Borough Museum warrant the

    Work Description

    Diana Al-Hadid is known for a practice that spans media and scale, and examines the historical
    frameworks and perspectives that shape our visual, material, and cognitive assumptions. Al-Hadid’s
    sculptures, panel works, and works on paper are built up with layers of material and history. Her rich,
    formal allusions cross cultures and disciplines, drawing inspiration, not only from the history of distance
    civilizations, but also from histories of the materials themselves.
    Al-Hadid developed a unique process for her panels that evolved from material studies in her large-scale
    sculptures, but which owe a great debt to her flat work. This body of work falls somewhere between
    her fully three-dimensional sculptures and her drawings on Mylar, and like all her work, borrow from a
    variety of sources ranging from Old Master paintings to the innovative works of the Islamic Golden Age.
    The panels are made additively, and originate from the artist’s quick gestural brushwork, methodically
    reinforced such that the image dictates the structure. Al-Hadid describes her signature process as
    “somewhere between fresco and tapestry”. These works have been made as hanging objects,
    architectural interventions, and most recently as outdoor installations.

    Artist Biography

    Diana Al-

  • diana al hadid biography