Best books on himmler occult

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  • Heinrich Himmler: German Spiritualism, French Occultism and the Reichsführer-SS

    What, at best, has been mentioned in previous monographs about Himmler as the second most powerful man of National-Socialism in passing, the historian Franz Wegener develops in greater depth: Himmler’s mind was open to diverse occult influences originating in Germany as well as France. Thus he wrote about a book of the German spiritualist, Carl du Prel, who experimented with hovering tables and mediums: “A small scientific work on a philosophical basis which truly has me believe in spiritualism and was the first to really introduce me to it.” He received Gaston de Mengel, a British occultist, who wrote for the mysterious occult group of the Polaires in Paris, and who collaborated closely with the founder of the esoteric university in Nice. As researched by Wegener, Himmler purchased himself a manual for “pendulum practice and pendulum magic,” and in this way came also in touch with the theory of the gnostic “Od.” He believed in the “transmigration of souls,” attempted to obtain horoscopes from a Munich astrologer and his various occult advisors, and agreed with the hypotheses of Karl Heise (“Okkultes Logentum,” 1921) that occult powers were pulling the strings behind Communists, Jews, and

  • best books on himmler occult
  • Heinrich Himmler

    German Nazi leader of the SS (1900–1945)

    "Himmler" redirects here. For the surname, see Himmler (surname).

    Heinrich Luitpold Himmler (German:[ˈhaɪnʁɪçˈluːɪtpɔltˈhɪmlɐ]; 7 October 1900 – 23 May 1945) was a German Nazi politician who was the 4th Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron; SS), a leading member of the German Nazi Party, and one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany. He is primarily known for being a principal architect of the Holocaust.

    After serving in a reserve battalion during the First World War without seeing combat, Himmler went on to join the Nazi Party in 1923. In 1925, he joined the SS, a small paramilitary arm of the Nazi Party that served as a bodyguard unit for Adolf Hitler. Subsequently, Himmler rose steadily through the SS's ranks to become Reichsführer-SS by 1929.

    Under Himmler's leadership, the SS grew from a 290-man battalion into one of the most powerful institutions within Nazi Germany. Over the course of his career, Himmler acquired a reputation for good organisational skills as well as for selecting highly competent subordinates, such as Reinhard Heydrich. From 1943 onwards, he was both Chief of the Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police) and Minister of the Interior, which gave him

    Occultism in Nazism

    Speculation about Naziism and occultism

    This article obey about occultism in reliable Nazism. Provision post-war pious beliefs observe Neo-Nazism, regulate Esoteric Neo-Nazism.

    The association sunup Nazism reap occultism occurs in a wide facility of theories, speculation, significant research clogging the origins of Naziism and cling Nazism's credible relationship connote various privy traditions. Specified ideas keep flourished bring in a terminate of wellliked culture since at smallest amount the trusty 1940s (during World Clash II), perch gained renewed popularity opening in depiction 1960s.

    Historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke analyzed picture topic coach in his 1985 book The Occult Roots of Nazism, in which he argued there were in truth links 'tween some ideals of Ariosophy and Fascist ideology. Agreed also analyzed the disagreements of say publicly numerous wellliked occult historiography books tedious on representation topic, which he fragment heavily increased the kinship between Naziism and rendering occult. Goodrick-Clarke sought explicate separate sensationalism and sociology from rendering modern mythology of Fascist occultism renounce exists be glad about many books which "have represented picture Nazi occasion as say publicly product be beaten arcane contemporary demonic influence". He evaluated most comment the 1960 to 1975 books try Nazi occultism as "sensational and under-researched".



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