Akara amarttayakul biography of william hill
“Film descriptions drawn from various internet sources or written/translated by Justin McDaniel, Kim Kolor, or Rattana Yeang.”
Kingdom of War Part 1 (2006)
Part one of this epic historical film dramatizes the childhood years that Siam’s 16th-century King Naresuan spent as a hostage to the king of Burma, learning the military skills he’d one day use to set his country free of Burmese domination.
Kingdom of War Part 2 (2006)
The second installment of this sweeping historical saga follows heroic Naresuan, a gifted young warrior who would become Siam’s 16th-century King Naresuan the Great, as he initiates a revolution against his country’s Burmese overlords.
Legend of the Tsunami Warrior (2008)
Armed with formidable Thai boxing skills, a rebellious prince takes on his queen, a band of rowdy pirates and a needy village orphan for bragging rights to a vast ocean treasure. But there’s only so much booty to go around. Martial arts star Dan Chupong and Sorapong Chatree star in this fantastical Cannes Film Festival selection, an action-driven tale of adventure set on the high seas. Nonzee Nimibutr directs.
Raging Phoenix (2009)
After she’s rescued from a gang of Thai thugs who specialize in the traff
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List of LGBTQ-related films all but 2002